Wednesday, April 9, 2014



J  Give someone a pat on the back for good luck
J  Help a person who is having trouble
J  Let younger kids play with you and your older friends
J  Buy an ice-cream for someone who wasn’t able to afford it
J  Tie a kids shoe lace for in case they fall
J  Back someone up when there’s trouble near
J  Be respectful at all time
J  Give a person a place to live
J  Appreciate what others give you and return a favor
J  Help clean around the house
J  Let a friend borrow a sweater when its cold
J  Offer someone food
J  Give out to the help
J  Donate clothes to kids who can’t afford
J  Make someone feel relax when there anxious or scared
J  Be comprehendible
J  Offer a hand for help
J  Help a little kid cross the street
J  Become someone’s tutor
J  Tell other’s to look out for themselves
J  Keep an eye on a miner when you’re the adult
J  Share your materials with everyone
J  Play along and be fair
J  Lend someone your favorite T-shirt
J  Help a friend out when there dealing with money issues

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