Sciences Librarian
Duties and Responsibilities:
Health science librarians’ along with library
technicians collect and organize medical information as well as help practitioners
find the information they need for patient care, education, research, and administration.
Librarians select and acquire books, journals,
and other library materials. They also establish electronic and digital
database information systems.
Library technicians on the other hand, assist
librarians in organizing collections, shelve books, manage circulation desks,
answer patrons’ questions, and perform administrative duties.
$20,000 - $30,000 (Library
$35,000 - $55,000 (Librarians)
Educational Requirements:
should take challenging high school courses in information management, Science,
Math, and English.
Students must complete library technician
programs at a community college or technical school.
Health Science Librarians should earn an
undergraduate degree in one of the life’s sciences and must earn a master’s
degree in library science from a program that is accredited by American Library
Association. Some offer specialized course’s in health science Librarianship.
This career seems very interesting to me
because I personally love science and like to read so maybe this topic of
career can be a suggestion to me.