The nine ways of the new
way to be is important for me, and for other's to follow because it will lead
you to become someone successful. It will also lead you to become someone who
is humble, positive, still, grateful, and true with good works. Which are good
character traits for people to have. So choose the right young people, i
encourage you to follow these new ways to change. I myself will as well follow
these steps to be a better person. I will start by being true and having
integrity to my guilt. I will try to improve and better myself by following
these steps everyday and doing what is right because it will at the end only
benefit me. So start today, why wait? Do it now and do what is right. Change
your life around and choose the positive side of the road. It will only bring
you greatness i guarantee it !

The New Way
9. Be Prayerful
There are some people in this world who believe in a certain type of a religion or god. They believe that there god is the one who leads them to the right direction. Or that there god is the one who sets his or her destiny. Some on the other hand, may not believe in religion or faith. As for me although, i do believe in religion. I believe in my religion and have faith towards my god because i know he has guided , and protected me through-out my life.
The New Way
8. Be Still
You should never be still and watch your future drain away. You should be active and move towards completing your goal. Don't hesitate to stop and give up. Although being still for a second or two is good to think your thoughts through . In fact, its good to sometimes take a second and think about your choices. However, don't think about your next move and be still; achieve it, go after it. Live the life you want to live and think about where you want to be 20 years from now. Think about it but don't be still remember you are the only one who can lead yourself to the right direction. No one else can so don't depend on people or others. Unless of course they are the ones guiding you through the process.

" I have a real problem with stillness. With just stopping and being quiet."
Gillian Anderson

I will apply this new way by going after what i want. Something i want is to be happy and be satisfied with my life. I want to be able to say i did what i wanted and did the right thing. I want to be the person who influences other people to go after there dreams and there beliefs and accomplish them. I will not settle myself for less and poverty. I will instead lead myself to greatness and be determined to do great in my life.
7. Be Humble
It is important for a person to be humble because everyone's the same in there own way. No one is perfect and no body should ever feel less than some one else. Everyone is a first class citizen so we should treat each other with respect. So by being humble you are actually going prove to people that you are a kind and sincere person. In addition, they will treat you with respect and talk great things about you. Moreover, people that are a humble have a great relationship with there family, siblings, teachers, friends, etc. So i encourage you people to choose the right and do whats best. Be a kind,caring, and humble person. Respect others the way you would like to be treated. Show to people how being humble can change a persons life.

"Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful."
John Wooden
I will apply this new way by first, being honest to myself and others. Secondly, i will do what is the right thing to do. I will choose to be friendly and not have a big ego because we are all the same. Pass it on young people i encourage you.
The New way6. Be Positive
You should always carry a great positive attitude no matter the problems you are facing or the situation you are in. I guarantee it'll make you feel better. The reasons, why you should carry a positive attitude is because it'll make things feel better. Not just for you but for other's as well. Also, it gives you hope that everything will be okay. Moreover, having a positive attitude reflects on your actions, and behavior. So try your best to do your best because people are watching you ; so make a great impression. Stop thinking negative thoughts when you can be thinking of positive thoughts. Pass it on, and share a positive attitude with a friend. Influence other people to great and think smart.
This morning when i looked at the GPA scores i notice i was in the second highest gpa level;silver. Although i was not so happy or satisfied with myself. Instead i was disappointed because i knew i could do better than that. However, to make myself feel better i change my attitude from negative to positive. I change my attitude because i had to realized that i still achieve good high scores and was passing unlike other students. An i can tell you that after i felt a whole lot better. So i encourage people to think wise in a positive attitude and think of what good they've done.
"Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results."
Willie Nelson

I will apply to myself a positive attitude by being thoughtful and only thinking about the good and positive out comes that come about it.
The New way
5. Be True

"The only failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows"

What i would do to apply this is by being true to myself. I should be true to myself by doing what i believe is right and choosing the right. It will only benefit me if i keep my word ,do as i say, and keep excuse out of the way. So i encourage myself and many others to be true don't set your self for failure it wont do you any good. Have faith in yourself and believe that you are capable of controlling your own actions.
The New Way to be Happy in your Life
4.Be Clean
It is always important to be clean because you always want to look your best. Not only to look great but to smell and feel great as well. It really does bring to other peoples attention when they see how clean and organize you are. For instance teachers or perhaps some of your friends will notice and it'll give them a great impression about yourself. Teachers will then trust you will be responsible for your own stuff and materials. They will have no doubt into trusting you with their stuff as well. Or your Friends they'll ask if you can take care of one of there things because they know your clean and you'll put it somewhere, where it'll be safe. Furthermore, being clean will attract you to other women or men. Therefore, keep away from all the drugs and alcohol it will make your breathe stink and give you an ugly look. Also keep away from the piercings, and tattoos ; you want your skin to look nice. In addition, maintain a healthy and clean relationship with your partner of family and friends.
" Be STRONG in body, CLEAN in mind, LOFTY in ideals."
James Naismith
Being Clean can benefit me and others in a positive reaction. By doing whats right, and playing by the rules. I guarantee it will impress others and make you look outstanding by your features and behavior. So don't disappoint yourself you can still manage to have a clean start to have a clean reputation.
9 Ways to be Happy and make Something of your Life
3. Be Involved in Good Works
It is important to always be involved in good work ethics because it shows just how good of hard worker you truly are. Therefore, i encourage myself and others to apply themselves into good things. Such as applying yourself into the community ( what are some things that you can do to help). A few more are get involved into your school campus, join AP classes, along with be involved in certain things that can help a place, or a person feel better and get better. That is good work, i can guarantee. Although think outside the box, what can you do to be involved in Good works?' I know that if i want to be in good works i have to have good habits, a good behavior, and a positive attitude. So think about this, do you have any of these characteristics?
"The best preparation for good work tomorrow is for a good work today."
Elbert Hubbard

What i can do to apply myself into good work is be a positive thinker and think creatively of all the positive things that i can do that could affect me and others in positive way. Such a be helpful, cooperative, and participate into good academics. To have a successful future ahead of me.
Ways to Be
Ways to Be
9 Ways to be Happy and Make Something of your Life

1. Be grateful
You should always be thankful towards God and your family because they are the ones who support you through-out everything in your daily life. They are also the ones you talk to when life gets difficult; you talk to them about them guiding you towards the right direction to doing whats right. Although how many times, have we said thank you to them for supporting us. In my case, many times. I have always been grateful and appreciative for what i have because i know my parents have made sacrifices for me to make me happy. Therefore, in return i tell them thank you and learn to appreciate them more. Not necessarily, because they buy me things,but because as i grew i saw many situations where my friends didn't have a mom or dad or their parents were divorced. Which made me realized that i should be grateful for having both of my parents alive by my side who love me.
" Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom"
Marcel Proust

From now and on i will be more grateful and appreciative to the people around me who make me a better person.I will show them just how thankful i am for having them by my side.
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